Monday, March 9, 2009

Leni Sinclair Benefit Party

Dear Grande Friends,

I hope you can join us for this event. This is a very worthy cause for a super lady that has always been a great help to me in all of my Grande/Detroit related projects and interests.
Humble and super talented, Leni is most deserving of our assistance. I urge you to read more about Leni and the cause via the enclosed and support us in this effort.

Show Schedule
12:00 Doors
01:00 Sons of Adray
02:00 James Semark
03:00 Cat Listening
04:00 John Holdgren
05:00 Michigan Basement
06:00 Circus Boy
07:00 Open Mic
08:00 Beat Boys
09:00 Dead City Prophets
10:00 Special Surprise Guest
11:00 Gary Quackenbush

Leo Early

Petition from coordinator Michele Lundgren:

Dear Friends,

We need to help Leni Sinclair BUY A HOUSE!
She is soon being evicted from her RENTAL home of 10 years.
She has faithfully paid the rent, but the house is being FORECLOSED on as
her landlord cannot make the mortgage payments. The house is in very
rough condition anyway, so we need to get her a NEW one! A forever house!
We have found her several wonderful properties in Detroit for under $10,000.
Leni has some money saved to pay cash, but we are short the tax escrows and the additional closing costs.
The foreclosure will take place on or about April 22nd. The house has already gone through
the Sherif'fs Sale, so this is the end.
For many years, Leni Sinclair has given selflessly of herself. From The Detroit Artists Workshop to Trans-Love Energies to The Rainbow People's party to The White Panthers, Leni shared has her art and photography, her home and her love with ALL of us. She is our friend and our mother. We embrace her as family. We help family when we can. Let's help Leni get a house.
Musicians, poets, bands, artists, vendors, whatever and whomever! We need your participation.
Please feel free to forward this to all those who can help.
For more information on how you can participate, please call or email us. Time is of the essence.

Thanks again.

Michele Lundgren 248-722-8880

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